
Find all files containing "GetCenterX"

grep -ir "GetCenterX"


Find all files greater than 700 Mb:

find . -type f -size +700M

Find all files between 3Gb and 4Gb:

find -size +3G -size -4G

Find all files modified in the last 3 days:

find . -mtime -3 -ls

Filter with grep:

find . -type f -ls | grep 'xcf' | grep "2021"

Batch rename

Add prefix (using 'echo' for preview):

for f in *.png; do echo mv "$f" "GUI$f"; done;

Remove prefix (using 'echo' for preview):

for f in GUI*.png; do echo mv "$f" "${f:3}"; done;

Print characters from ASCII charcode, using for loop

for i in {65..90}; do printf "\x$(printf %x $i)"; done

List package dependencies

apt-cache depends gimp
apt show gimp

Update history

cat /var/log/apt/history.log

Splitting files into chunks

split -b90 -d file.json some_prefix_
split -n3 -d file.json some_prefix_

To put the data back together:

cat some_prefix_* > complete_file.json